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There are a number of limits in place in order to ensure that Ducklet works as expected. Most of the limits are in place to ensure the GUI is responsive or because the user interaction has not been optimized for unlimited usage.

Limits currently in place

15 database connections per project.

At the moment we do some work to show basic database metadata. As this requires some computation and file access per connection, the number of connections is currently limited to 15.

5 SQL editors per connection.

We currently limit the number of editor tabs to 5. Mostly as we haven't optimized the editor tab bar to deal with a large number of tabs smootly.

10 result tables per query.

When you run a query consisting of multiple SQL statements that return results, we limit the number of result tables to 10.

If you have ore SQL statements that return results, simply run statements one by one or select up to 10 statements to run at once.

100.000 rows per result table

We show at most 100.000 result rows per query. Use LIMIT and ORDER BY to tweak your query to return the desired rows.

512 MiB default, 2 GiB memory limit for queries that return BLOBs

We currently read the content of BLOB cells eagerly when populating the result table. We might therefore limit the number of rows returned, if the sum of all the blob cells in the result set would exceed this limit.

While there are plans to lazily load BLOBs for some queries, it's not possible in all cases. E.g. for queries that do not return a stable result set when repeated (e.g ORDER BY random()).

This limit is configurable and has a default value of 512 MiB.

Changes to limits

These limits might change in the future or become configurable. If you encounter a limit, please take the time to provide some feedback and desribe your use case. See the "Feedback & Support" section in the footer.